Time To Teach is a consistent classroom management system that recovers precious instructional time and improves a school’s climate.
Time To Teach is an evidence based, highly successful set of classroom management strategies that tens of thousands of teachers are using and have been using for over four decades. We have a motto here at Time To Teach that we strive diligently to adhere to every day: “In God we trust, all others bring your data.”
Our research and data spans back six decades. We have learned well all strategies proven to help children and teachers, which are verifiable and replicable and which are supported by all current and eminent researchers like Robert Marzano, and we have jettisoned all those ideas which do not work.
If you are selected to become one of our elite national trainers you will meet the original program developers and you will learn how we first began and then rose to national acclaim. Part of the development of our strategies began with the help and guidance or Dr. Madeline Hunter, professor of education at UCLA and with John Wooden, the famed basketball coach and American icon, also from UCLA.
Suffice it to say, if selected to join our elite team of national trainers, you will have joined a team that is connected with important education history and tradition in America. If you haven’t read some of our school success data click here for a quick review from elementary, junior high, high schools, and districts posted to this site, and click here to read a recent article about us featured in Leadership which outlines the dramatic and positive success we have had on the dropout rate at an at-risk alternative high school in northern California.
If you are using one of the fine classroom management programs available today, we will augment that program. If you have adopted a reading, math, writing, or other content area program we will help your teachers to deliver that fine curriculum like never before. No matter what program or philosophy you have adopted or bought our strategies will amplify the good in that program and erase any negatives that may be interfering with your teachers ability to teach or deliver the curriculum.
Our impact goes much further and deeper than on just classroom behavior. We urge you once again to visit some of our school success data (click here) to learn that, in addition to an improvement in student behavior following our training, schools also report 1) a rise in teacher job satisfaction, 2) a rise in student scores, 3) a major decrease in referrals, 4) a decrease in dropout rates and suspensions, 5) an improvement in the feeling tone in classrooms and throughout the building, and 6) that our strategies have allowed them to finally achieve the systemic cultural change they had been seeking for so long.
Our goal is not to “replace” school discipline systems currently in place – although this occurs weekly in schools across America. You may adopt our entire set of strategies to deliver positive systemic cultural change or you may use bits and pieces to augment your current program. Indeed, nearly all of our competitors have trainers who also train for us and the one thing we hear from these trainers is “Time To Teach fills in all the holes.”
We make others better. We can help if you have invested time and money in a program that is sputtering. We can help it to soar as you once believed it could. Or, if you desire to use our strategies alone as total replacement for whatever you have now – if that is your wish – we are the best option available anywhere, in the world.